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Anchorred_logo Member Activity Reporting Procedures Anchorred_logo 

  •    The four forms(7029, 7030, 7038, 7046) covered on this page are used for the timely reporting of your Auxiliary duty hours each month to your FSO-IS officer. Go to Recording Member Activity for an overview. Other forms may be required based on you
  •     Your member activity time is entered into the AuxData database by the SO-IS officer. AuxData is a web-based management tool that is used to capture and report the Auxiliary members operational and administrative activity by Flotilla. Reports beyond the five core AuxData reports are available through AuxInfo.
  •    Caution: These Forms discussed are PDF files that cannot generally be saved with the information you type in. So you must print the form before closing it or lose your information. One suggestion is to print a blank copy and write in your time each day you have member or mission activity. Then you can just add up the hours at the end of the month.  NOTE: Forms such as the 7029 are being changed to allow you to not only save the form, but Email the form that will send a copy the the IS officers and to your Email.
 Form 7029 - Member Activity Log (Administrational activity)
  •   This form is used to report all activities such as study time for classes, travel time to meetings, preparation of FSO reports, etc. Mission activity is reported in Form 7030.  Unfortunately at this time there are two Form 7029s.

  • The optional Form 7029 should be filled out, copies printed and given to your FSO-IS each month. See information below about new Form 7029 that you should use.

     ANACO Bruce Miller, Chief Information Officer of the Auxiliary, has extended an invitation to all members of D11SR to begin testing a new, online 7029 form that completely eliminates any paper or PDF files. Using your web browser, you fill out your hours whenever you want, and the online form remembers them. When you are ready, you click SUBMIT, and your IS officer automatically receives your "99A-E" hours in an approved email format. As of May, 2010, all IS officers are required to accept that email as your sole report of administrative hours.

To participate, visit the Webforms beta test site at http://webforms.cgaux.org/ , and read the online material several times. Then start a NEW form, and you are off and running. Note that any form can be used as a day-by-day form record of one month, or you can clear the dates, and organize the form however and for whatever period you wish, typing in your own dates. A modern browser is required.

Thank you in advance for helping to prove this new, streamlined concept in reporting hours.
By direction of: Michael C. Johnson, Commodore D11SR

Form 7030 - Mission Activity Report (Mission Activity)
  •   This form is used to report most missions, such as public education classes and on-the-water patrols, under orders. When more than one member participates in a mission, only the Lead member should complete the form. Click on Form 7030 and complete the form. There are detailed instructions attached with this form and you can also work with the FSO-IS for assistance.

Form 7038 - Vessel Examination Report (Mission Activity)
  •  This form is used to report vessel examination missions.Click on Form 7038 and complete the form. There are detailed instructions attached with this form and you can also work with the FSO-IS for assistance.

Form 7046 - RBS Visitation  Report (Mission Activity)
  •   This form is used to report Recreational Boating Safety visits .Click on Form 7046 and complete the form. There are detailed instructions attached with this form and you can also work with the FSO-IS for assistance.